Top 25 Interesting Facts About Behavior of Cats

Interesting Facts About Behavior of Cats

Cats have some very unique behaviors. Their actions determine what is in their minds. Here we will discuss some very interesting facts about the behavior of cats.

Interesting Facts About Behavior of Cats

If a cat follows you from room to room, then it is believed that she is doing this in order to control your actions.

When a cat rubs against you, it is not only from tenderness. So she “marks” you as her territory and removes other smells from you.

If a cat is near you and its tail is trembling, this is the highest degree of love that it can express.

If a cat brought you prey, such as a mouse, then this is how she takes care of you and wants to feed you. It is important here not to scold the cat for the “gift”, but to praise the fluffy one.

Interesting Facts About Behavior of Cats

If your cat is constantly scratching furniture, then spray the area with citrus juice. Cats can’t stand this smell.

Not all cats are afraid of water. So, the Turkish Van cat loves to swim.

Hair care calms cats and neutralizes their aggressiveness. If the cat does not know which path to take or what is the best thing to do, she may stop and start grooming herself – this is how she considers her decision.

If a cat is attacked, it will press its ears tightly to its head. So she instinctively defends herself from the teeth and claws of the enemy. If the cat attacks itself, then it lowers its ears horizontally and to the sides, forming a threatening triangle.

Interesting Facts About Behavior of Cats

Cats have healing powers. In folk medicine, there is even a special feline therapy – a method of preventing and treating various diseases through contact with cats.

It is believed that cat owners have a 30% reduction in the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

An interesting fact about the behavior of cats is they spend most of their lives sleeping. So, out of 9 lived years, your cat will sleep for 6.

A cat can jump up to 5 times its height.

Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees because their outer ear is controlled by as many as 32 muscles. For comparison, a person has only 6 such muscles.

Cats have 24 more bones than humans. This explains their natural plasticity. However, cats do not have clavicles, which allows them to crawl into small holes into which their head crawls.

The heart of cats beats almost twice as fast as that of humans (110-140 beats per minute), and the body temperature is about 38 degrees.

Each cat’s “nose print” is as unique as human fingerprints.

In addition to the nose, cats can detect odors with the help of the so-called Jacobson’s tube, located in the upper palate behind the front incisors.

A cat can give birth to more than 100 kittens in her life.

A cat has an average of 12 mobile whiskers on each side of the muzzle. They are based on a large number of nerve endings, so the cat with the help of them receives information about everything that surrounds it: objects, wind, temperature, etc.

The Persian cat is the most popular breed in the world. In second place are Maine Coons, and in third – are Siamese cats.

The oldest cat Nutmeg lived for 32 years and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

An important fact about the behavior of cats is that f your cat is 3 years old, this corresponds to a human 21 years old. If 8 years, then humanly it is 40. If 14, then this is 70 human years.

Cats can make about 100 different sounds. For comparison, there are only about 10 dogs.

Cats were subject to the Inquisition. Pope Innocent VIII considered them to be guided between witches and the forces of evil. Having exterminated cats in Europe, people got an invasion of rats and an epidemic of plague.

According to the University of Lyon, there are about 400 million domestic cats in the world. Most of them are in Australia, where there are 9 cats per 10 inhabitants. At the same time, there are countries, such as Peru, where domestic cat is almost never found.

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