Man climbs Radio Tower with ‘Free Billie Eilish’ Sign

6ABC: Free Billie Eilish

Man climbs California radio tower with ‘Free Billie Eilish’ sign

LOS ANGELES (KTLA) — On Tuesday, a man climbed the KTLA news tower in Hollywood. After an hour-long battle, he got down on his own.

WGN TV: Free Billie Eilish

At 6:32 p.m., crews from the Los Angeles Fire Department were told about the situation.

The man was seen sitting about 30 feet up the tower, straddling the KTLA sign and carrying a sign that said “Free Billie Eilish.”

Another message along with Free Billie Eilish’ sign:

The man was called a “protester” by the police, but it’s not clear what he was protesting. On the back of the sign, which was written by hand, there was another message that said, “MK ultra sex slaves Donald Marshall clones.”

Crews tried to get the man out of the tower in a safe way while a big airbag was set up below the tower. He didn’t seem to want to work with the police, and at one point he told them he would come down in 20 minutes. However, he stayed on the tower for more than three hours.

Man climbs California radio tower with ‘Free Billie Eilish’ sign:

People from across the street came to see what was going on. For safety, the power to the tower and the computerized sign was turned off.

After talking with the climber for a while, the LAPD’s crisis negotiation team moved away and left a ladder propped up against the tower.

At about 9:30 p.m., the protester was seen going down the ladder on his own while police waited at the bottom.

LAPD says the climber was caught without any more trouble and will be charged with trespassing.

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