Nissan: 23 New Electric Models, Including 15 BEVs by 2030

Nissan:: Introducing a number of new models from Nissan, the company today announced its long-term plan – Ambition 2030 – for electrifying its facility.

Over the next five years, the Japanese company plans to invest 2 trillion yen ($ 17.6 billion).

With 23 new electric models, including 15 electric motors, by the end of the 2030 financial year (by the end of March 2031), the main goal is to increase the share of electricity to new car sales by 50%. The numbers include both the Nissan type and the Infiniti type.

Our expectation is that by the end of the 2026 fiscal year, 20 new models with EV and e-POWER will be available.

Currently, Nissan POWER offers series hybrids (non-charging), but plug-in hybrids may be available in the future.

According to our understanding, 15 BEVs and 23 new models will be installed by 2026, and the remaining 8 will be e-POWER.

In its long-term strategy, Nissan Ambition 2030, the company plans to invest 2 trillion yen over the next five years in accelerating the installation of electricity in its machines and accelerating technological innovation.

According to Nissan, the company will launch 23 new electric models by 2030, including 15 new EVs, targeting a global power supply of more than 50% for Nissan and INFINITI companies based on customer needs.

Nissan expects that the number of electric vehicles will increase by 50 percent by the 2026 financial year:

More than 75% of sales in Europe; more than 55% in Japan; more than 40% in China

According to the company, 40% of the company’s EV sales will come from EVs by 2030, so we don’t yet know what the EV / e-POWER will look like in North America (I’m not sure if the models will be introduced in North America).

More than a decade after the launch of Nissan LEAF, it remains to be seen whether Nissan can return to power generation.

Nissan Ambition 2030 in a nutshell:

In 2030, there will be 23 models installed, including a total of 15 electrical models. Over the next five years, 2 trillion yen ($ 17.6 billion) will be invested.
Global mix of electrification (EV and e-POWER) for 2030: 50% A combination of electrification (EV and e-POWER) for 2026: 50% A combination of electrification (EV and e-POWER) for 2030: 50% A combination of electrification (EV and e-POWER) for 2027: 50%
Sales in Europe exceed 75% Sales in Japan exceed 55% Sales in China exceed 40%
In the U.S., there will be 40% of all-electric sales in the 2030 fiscal year.

This post was last modified on February 16, 2022 10:40 am