12 Most Interesting facts from the World of Science

12 Most Interesting facts from the World of Science

12 Most Interesting facts from the World of Science

This world has so many amazing things to see that you can’t help but be amazed. They really make people laugh. Here, we will talk about some very interesting scientific facts:

1. Facts that are interesting about children

Most babies are born with about 270 bones. Most of these bones are very small. This makes the bones more flexible and helps the baby move through the birth canal and grow quickly. Many of these bones join together as you age.

An adult’s skeleton is made up of between 200 and 113 bones, on average.

2. In the summer, the Eiffel Tower grows 15 cm

12 Most Interesting facts from the World of Science

Temperature expansion joints were used to build the huge structure, so the steel can expand and contract without getting damaged. When you heat steel, it starts to grow and takes up more space. The name for this is thermal expansion. On the other hand, when the temperature goes down, the volume goes down. Because of this, big things like bridges are built with joints that let them grow and shrink without getting damaged.

3. Some metals are so reactive that even water makes them go boom

Some metals and compounds, like potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium, and cesium, have higher chemical activity. This means that they can catch fire quickly when they come into contact with air, and if they are dropped into water, they can even explode.

4. The Amazon rainforest makes up 20% of the oxygen in the world, Its an amusing fact from the World of Science

There are 5.5 million square kilometers of the Amazon rainforest. By taking in a lot of carbon dioxide, the Amazonian jungle makes a big part of the oxygen on Earth. This is why they are often called the lungs of the planet.

12 Most Interesting facts from the World of Science

5. A neutron star would weigh 6 billion tonnes per teaspoon.

Neutron stars are what’s left of big stars. They have a neutron core surrounded by a thin layer of heavy atomic nuclei and electrons. Gravity caused the cores of stars that exploded in a supernova to become more compact after they died.

This is how extremely dense neutron stars came to be. Astronomers have found that the mass of neutron stars can be about the same as the mass of the Sun, even though their size is only 10–20 kilometers across.

6. Hawaii moves toward Alaska by 7.5 cm every year.

The crust of the Earth is made up of many huge pieces called tectonic plates. The top layer of the mantle, which is made up of these plates, is always moving.

Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Plate, which is slowly moving to the northwest toward the North American Plate, which is where Alaska is. The speed at which tectonic plates move is the same as how fast our nails grow.

7. In 2.3 billion years, the Earth will be too hot for life to exist

Our planet will eventually turn into a huge desert-like Mars is now. The Sun has been getting hotter, brighter, and hotter for hundreds of millions of years, and this will keep happening.

12 Most Interesting facts from the World of Science

In at least two billion years, the Earth will get so hot that the oceans, which make it possible for people to live there, will dry up.

8. The whole world will turn into a desert that never ends is an interesting fact from the World of Science

Scientists say that in a few billion years, the Sun will become a red giant and swallow up the Earth. This will be the end of the planet for sure. Thermal imagers can tell what an object is by how much heat it gives off.

And polar bears know how to stay warm. Bears can stay warm even on the coldest days in the Arctic because they have a thick layer of fat under their skin and warm coats.

9. Light travels from the Sun to the Earth every 8 minutes and 19 seconds.

The speed of light is known to be 300,000 kilometers per second. But even at that crazy speed, it will take a while to get to the Sun. And 8 minutes isn’t that long in the grand scheme of things. It takes sunlight 5.5 hours to get to Pluto.

10. If you took away all the space between atoms, everyone on Earth would fit in a sugar cube

More than 99.9999 percent of an atom is actually empty space. An atom is made up of a small, dense nucleus and a cloud of electrons that take up more space than they should.

Because electrons move in waves, this is what happens. They can only be found in places where the waves’ peaks and troughs add up in a certain way. The electrons don’t stay in one place; they move around the orbit and can be anywhere. They take up a lot of space because of this.

11. Interesting fact from the world of science is Stomach acid can break down razor blades

The stomach breaks down food with the help of hydrochloric acid has a pH (hydrogen index) between 2 and 3 and is very acidic. But at the same time, the acid also hurts the lining of the stomach, which is able to heal quickly. Every four days, your stomach’s lining gets a brand new one. There are many theories about why this happens among scientists.

The most likely reason is that big asteroids have changed their path in the past, or that strong air currents in the upper atmosphere keep it moving.

12. A flea can move faster than a space shuttle when it starts moving

Fleas can jump 8 centimeters per millisecond, which is very fast.

Each jump gives the flea a speed 50 times faster than the speed of the spaceship.

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