Hangovers After 30: Why They are the Hardest to bear?

The fact that alcoholic beverages are harmful to health and are the cause of the development of many diseases, we all already know very well. However, despite this, many people still drink at least a couple of beers a day. For a stormy night, you usually have to answer – in the morning, many people have a headache, and there is a “dry” and other unpleasant symptoms of a hangover.

Hangovers After 30

Moreover, in 20 years, a hangover is usually mild and disappears a few hours after waking up – sometimes you don’t even need to take painkillers. But after the age of 30, hangover syndrome is accompanied by such terrible pain in the head that a person cannot get out of bed all day and frowns at any bright light and loud sounds. So why do hangovers get so bad with age? Scientists have an answer.

Common hangover symptoms:

A hangover is a painful condition that occurs a few hours after drinking alcohol. Hangover symptoms include headache, dry mouth, weakness in the body, increased sensitivity to light and sounds, nausea and vomiting, lethargy, and guilt. Often, after a stormy night, people give themselves never to drink and they begin to turn back from any mention of alcohol.

What causes a hangovers After 30:

Hangovers are caused by a number of factors. When ethanol contained in alcohol enters the human body, a person begins to go to the toilet more often, which provokes dehydration. Together with urine, magnesium leaves the body, which controls the penetration of calcium into cells. Excess calcium leads to excitation of cells, which causes chills, muscle weakness, arrhythmia, and other symptoms.

Since ethanol is a poison for our body, the liver begins to break it down. Liver alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes first convert ethanol to acetaldehyde, which becomes acetic acid and this is broken down into carbon dioxide and water. This process takes a very long time, which leads to the accumulation of acetaldehyde and the inability of the liver to cope with other tasks. So, the liver does not have time to compensate for the decrease in glucose levels, which the brain needs – a person begins to think poorly.

What alcohol causes hangovers?

The severity of a hangover depends on the amount and type of alcohol consumed. Dark spirits like whiskey and tequila contain fusel oils, dyes, and other additives. Due to the presence of additional ingredients, they cause a more severe hangover than vodka and other “clean” drinks. Beer is especially tormenting for drinkers because it stimulates the excretion of even more urine than other alcoholic drinks. In addition, beer is usually consumed in large quantities – the abundance of liquid heavily loads the vessels.

Why do hangovers get worse with age?

First of all, the severe course of a hangover after 30 years is associated with a decrease in the amount of alcohol dehydrogenase liver enzymes. In a young body, there are a lot of them and the body breaks down alcohol faster, and with age, this process is slower.

Also, with age, more fat accumulates in the human body – it does not absorb alcohol, so it begins to be absorbed worse. This can also explain the fact that overweight people get drunk faster, especially women.

Another factor in the severity of a hangover in adulthood is a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body. Young people do not experience any problems with the concentration of water in the body. But after 30 years, the fluid in the body really becomes less. Therefore, when drinking alcohol, the concentration of alcohol is higher.

In addition, the influence of lifestyle cannot be excluded. With a hangover in their 20s, people often have the opportunity to lie in bed until dinner. With age, people have a family, children, and responsibilities – if you add to the headache and nausea of ​​children running around and the need to do household chores, you get a real nightmare.

Finally, it is worth noting that in 2019, scientists found out that the most terrible hangover is usually experienced by people aged 29 years. This is due to the fact that they drink alcohol in the same amount as in their younger years, not taking into account that their body is no longer so young. After such unpleasant experiences, many people draw conclusions and begin to treat alcohol with more caution.

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