Obesity in children: Factors and Treatment

Obesity in children: Factors and Treatment

Some factors increase the risk of obesity in children, from heavy media viewing and various technologies that have resulted in a significant increase in screen time over the years to academic programs in schools that leave a minimum amount of time for physical education due to a very busy schedule.

As a result, fast food and processed foods have become very popular among the population. The end result is that children, like adults, have begun to consume much more energy than they spend.

Obesity in children: Factors and Treatment

Diet causes obesity in children:

Easier weight gain might result from routine eating of high-calorie items such as fast food, flour-based goods, sugary sodas and fruit beverages, hard candies, and desserts.

Absence of exercise:

Because they don’t burn calories through physical activity, kids who don’t exercise are more likely to gain weight. The issue is also exacerbated by passive pursuits such as watching television or playing video games after school.

Family background:

In a setting where high-calorie foods are always available and physical activity is not promoted, a child who has obese parents would likely struggle with obesity as well.

Psychological elements causing obesity in children:


There is a group of kids who use stress eating to deal with issues or emotions, as well as occasionally to combat boredom. Similar patterns in the parents of these patients are shown by the analysis.

Family traditions increase obesity in children:

Family traditions are undoubted of great importance. If preference is given to semi-finished products, flour products, and high-calorie foods, this can also contribute to an increase in the child’s weight.

Socio-economic factors:

Widely used products with a long shelf life contain a lot of salt and fat. These foods are often more affordable than fresh, healthier ones.

Cesarean section doubles the risk of obesity in children:

American scientists have found that a cesarean section doubles the risk of developing obesity in a child, reports the BBC. The study was conducted by a team led by Suzanne Ha of the Boston Children’s Hospital.

The authors of the study noted that women who had a cesarean section, on average, had a greater body weight than participants who gave birth vaginally. At the same time, scientists believe that the development of obesity in children may be associated with the activity of the intestinal microflora, an important role in the formation of which is played by the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

Treatment of obesity in children:

Obesity in children: Factors and Treatment

The guiding principles for the treatment of obesity in children, like many conditions and diseases, are an emphasis on early intervention and prevention, with recommendations for lifestyle modification being the main focus. It has been repeatedly proven that standard weight loss programs can significantly improve health and reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes in adults. Similar programs developed for children can also lead to the normalization of the patient’s physical and metabolic parameters.

The lifestyle modification program:

The lifestyle modification program should be aimed primarily at the family. The patient should come for control visits to the doctor at least once a month during the first three months of therapy. The program must include:
• training in diet and proper nutrition;
• appointment of specific physical activity;
• behavioral therapy.

Dietary advice:

One of the most important things that can be done to keep kids from being overweight is to encourage good eating habits.

It is strongly recommended that you stay away from foods that are high in calories but low in nutrients. Sugary drinks, sports drinks, fruit drinks, and the majority of items sold at fast food restaurants fall under this category.

It is important to pay special attention to maintaining a regular eating pattern, beginning the day with a healthy meal, particularly breakfast, and avoiding the habit of snacking frequently during the day.

One more approach that may be taken to manage caloric intake is to cut down on portion sizes. It is well-established that expanding waistlines and food consumption goes hand in hand. In addition to this, there is an emphasis placed on decreasing overall fat consumption and raising overall consumption of dietary fiber, vegetables, and fruits.

Recommendations about participation in physical activity:


At least sixty minutes per day should be spent participating in physical exercise of a moderate to strenuous intensity. In addition, there is evidence that modifying a sedentary lifestyle by reducing the amount of time spent in front of a TV screen or computer monitor to one to two hours per day can lessen the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The child should not be allowed to eat while looking at the electronic screen; this interferes with the control of the volume of the portion eaten. Children can use not only structured physical training programs but also free games.

Recommendations for lifestyle modification:

Unquestionably, it is crucial to include the whole family in a weight loss program. Obese patients’ parents need to learn the fundamentals of healthy parenting, especially with regard to diet and exercise. By establishing limits for what constitutes socially acceptable eating behavior, parents can develop healthy habits in their kids without resorting to unduly restrictive diets. Despite hormonal changes, rapid growth, and social pressures that frequently encourage overeating, these childhood practices will help kids maintain a healthy weight in the future. Additionally, it’s critical to avoid using food as a reward or punishment. The child’s conscientious attitude toward the issue of overweight and obesity should be encouraged as the major focus of his upbringing.

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