Work from Home -Top 5  Tips to Help you Stay Productive

Work from home -Top 5 Amazing Tips

Over the past few years, many of us have begun working remotely. I did the same and fell in love with this life. Indeed, just over two years ago, I started my first full-time job as a software engineer. And at the same time, I started my first remote work from home experience.

Work from home -Top 5 Amazing Tips

Here are 5 tips for working from home to help you stay productive. I have divided these tips into 5 categories, which you will find just below.

Keep in mind that these tips are based on my personal experience. All people are different, and some of them may not fit your needs and goals.

Tip #1 – Create work-life balance

One of the most important categories you need to take care of is work-life balance.

Yes, you read about it in all the articles about remote work, but what does it mean?

When you work remotely, it’s easy to cut yourself out of your life. Work can start to overwhelm you because you feel like you’re only doing it.

Even if you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it’s important to know how to step back from it in order to relax and stay productive in the long run.

Here are some tips for achieving a work-life balance

1. Take breaks and go outside

It seems simple, right? Remote work does not mean sitting at home all day. I highly recommend taking breaks and going outside to refresh your mind and leave the workplace.

Work from home -Top 5 Amazing Tips

How about having lunch outside or even taking a walk after dinner?

2. Take up a sport or activity that takes your mind off work


To avoid feeling burned out from work, take a step back and engage in a relaxing and mind-altering activity.

Many people love to play sports, others prefer to simply find time for other activities or hobbies that are different from what they do at work.

3. Separate your computer

One of the most difficult parts of working from home is the distinction between working and non-working hours.

If you use the same computer for work and side projects/leisure, this tip is for you.

3.1 Sharing browser configuration

Currently, most browsers allow you to create profiles. I recommend that you create two profiles, one for work and one for after-hours.

This will allow you to switch off more easily when you are away from work. At the same time, it will help organize your bookmarks and sessions (for example, if you use the same tools at work and inside projects).

3.2 Create another session on the computer

This is not what I do personally. But I read a lot about people using two different sessions.

This seems like the “ultimate” solution if you want to keep the two spaces independent.

4. Don’t Set Up Work Notifications on Your Phone

This advice can be controversial depending on what you do as a remote worker. But still, I think it’s very important if you want to keep your work-life balance.

I don’t like it when work apps or notifications pop up on my phone for many reasons. Remote work means asynchronous life. Your colleagues may work different hours than you. If you don’t want to be woken up by work notifications or receive messages while you’re out and about with friends, this should be avoided.

Note: If your job requires you to set up some apps, there are many ways to clear notifications after a certain hour. This could be an alternative.

5. Work in a coworking space

Another piece of advice I’ve often heard is to work remotely from the comfort of your home. Well, it’s a bit of a controversial article title, but it’s an ingenious way to maintain a work-life balance if you can afford it and feel comfortable working in a public place.

If you don’t feel productive at home, even after reading and trying many ways, working in a co-working space can help. These days, co-working spaces are everywhere. If you have the opportunity, try one of them to see if it’s right for you.

Tip #2 – Create your own work environment

Now that we’ve talked about the importance of work-life balance, let’s take a closer look at your workspace and how you can improve it.

1. Choose or create a workspace that stimulates you

By working remotely, you have the opportunity to create a workspace that makes you feel good. Get creative and place something around your workplace that stimulates you. It can be plants, books, or whatever you like. If you are a digital nomad or travel frequently, you can choose a coffee shop, workspace, or apartment that inspires you. A good place to work is always a good source of motivation.

2. For work from home, separate your workspace from your bed

I know this isn’t for everyone, but try to separate your workspace from your bedroom as much as possible.

If you wake up and work in the same place where you sleep, you will certainly have the feeling that you are constantly doing the same thing. Staying in the same room all day is not motivating. When you get to your bed, you will still be in your “work” room.

3. Tidy up your desktop

This tip can be found in many productivity articles and guides, but tidying up your desktop, keeping it clean and with as few workspaces as possible can help free your mind and help you focus better. Again, this is a matter of personal opinion, but I like to keep mine. a remote workspace clean and simple so you can focus only on what matters.

Tip #3 – Communicate at work

Social aspects are very important for a remote worker. They help you stay motivated and avoid feeling like you’re working alone (even if you’re not).

1. For work from home, schedule online meetings with colleagues

Working remotely doesn’t mean you have to stay away from your co-workers. Even though it may seem socially withdrawn at times, it’s important to keep communicating.

Feel free to invite colleagues over for a 15-30 minute coffee meeting to get to know them better.

If you’re not freelancing on your own project, there are many online events and communities that allow you to connect with like-minded people and share a cup of coffee with them.

2. Try to schedule weekly meetings in your company

If you run or work for a remote company, this item is for you. Feel free to schedule or request a meeting. For example, it could be an hour where everyone meets online and plays an online game together. The possibilities are endless.

One of the most embarrassing parts of working remotely is feeling alone.

Tip #4 – Become a Time Management Expert

To improve productivity as a remote worker, time also matters. Make sure you use it wisely.

1. Try to have a set work schedule


I don’t mean to say that you shouldn’t work hard or count hours. I work a lot and don’t always follow this rule.

I want to share that it’s better to have at least a vague idea of ​​when you start your day and end it. This can be helpful for work-life balance, staying focused, and getting work done on time.

But, like all the tips I share in this article, this is a matter of personal opinion. I often change my work schedule depending on the meeting or whether I want to work more in one day, and so on. Remote work gives you more flexibility and freedom. So it would be a shame not to take advantage of it! Just do what’s best for you.

2. Plan your tasks if you want to work from home

This tip applies to many topics, but you’re likely to work more efficiently and reach your goals more easily if you schedule your day.

As a remote worker, this can be a good motivator. An organized day with focused work gives you more time for yourself and allows you to start working on something new in your work, or on anything that you enjoy.

Tip #5 – Learn Deep Concentration

The practice of deep focus sessions is your ally if you want to boost your productivity dramatically. Let me give you three tips to help you get there.

1. Listen to focus songs

Using focus music can help you stay productive and enter a state of deep focus. This is often a great way to hack your productivity.

2. Use the Do Not Disturb Option on Your Phone


Nowadays, we constantly receive notifications on our phones. Most modern devices have a Do Not Disturb feature that allows you to turn off notifications when you enter Work mode.

3. Limit distractions

Limiting distractions helps keep you distracted. Analyze your surroundings and try to remove or move away from any objects that annoy you while you work.

Some examples are: put your phone away, close YouTube videos while you work, turn off your TV, and so on.


Thank you for reading this article. I hope she gave you helpful tips to help you improve your remote work or even start working remotely.


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